PPE: We All Need It

PPE is in the news and we all know more about it now than we want to during this pandemic.  We supply PPE and do provide it to large organizations.  We direct import it in large quantities and as part of our logistics oversight we vet the factories, final product quality and shipping before it is shipped to the US.  Our goal is to provide high quality, fairly priced products to our customers.  PPE is prepay.

We understand many entities are uncomfortable with prepay, but at this juncture there is no choice.  Please understand, but our model did not change for PPE, it’s all prepay for direct import.  Due to global need and quick turn around we are extra viligent in vetting all PPE exports.  We will work with you in providing transparency and quality reports of all products.

Contact us and we can share what we have and how we vet it. Stay healthy.


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